iTunes Error 3194 Solutions To Fix For iPhone & iPad
Being an Apple (iOS) user, one can experience iTunes error 3194, while trying to restore, update the firmware or even syncing the apple device (iPhone, iPad and iPod). It seems like a nightmare when an official apple tool starts showing error and you are finding the apple’s troubleshooting and support page not that much helpful to fix the error. The same panic is associated with iTunes error 3194, usually come across when you are updating or downgrading your iPhone or iPad etc. The reason iTunes error 3194 appears is a result of iTunes failure to communicate with official Apple server. Sometimes it might appear due to the antivirus installed on your PC. Another reason of iTunes error 3194 is due to firewall. The firewall might blocking access to certain files.
Solutions To Fix iTunes Error 3194 On iPhone & iPad
The irritating iTunes error 3194 can be fixed with one of the below mentioned, step by step, process but the first thing that might be helpful is updating the iTunes to the latest version.
Install the latest version of iTunes to your PC, iPhone or iPad and then try to update or restore the device again.
Modifying The Host Files
Modifying host files of your windows PC or MAC can be help-full in eliminating the iTunes error 3194. Try the following steps and eradicate the error.
- Locate host files from your PC or MAC
- For windows operating system C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\.
- For mac operating system /etc/.
- Open the file with notepad or wordpad text editors.
- At the bottom, locate a text
- Put # sign before the text to make it comment or delete the line.
- Save the file without changing the file name.
- Plugin your iPhone, iPod or iPad into your pc and start iTunes.
Try updating or restoring your device without being triggered by iTunes error 3194.
Without Using iTunes
There maybe chances that the iTunes software does not open at all or function properly due to some bugs, an alternative method will surely help you restore or update your iOS without using iTunes.
Another useful app, called Tiny Umbrella, can be used to restore or update the iOS devices. The only thing to check if your iPhone or other iOS are compatible with Tiny Umbrella or not. To use this app, follow the following steps.
- First of all close iTunes if opened in your device (Close from system tray as well).
- Download Tiny Umbrella, to your Mac or Windows PC.
- Open Tiny Umbrella and select the device. (iPhone, iPad or iPod).
- Go to advance tab section and select.
- Find the box with “ set hosts to cydia on exit” text.
- Untick the box.
- After that save the settings you have made and apply changes.
Congrats, The iTunes error 3194 is no more to trouble you updating or restoring your iOS devices. Try this and feel free to comment your experiences.